John Daly


John Daly is an active speaker, trainer, and process consultant. He has worked with more than 100 corporations, professional associations, and government agencies both as a speaker and as a consultant for developing and implementing improvements in customer service and communication programs. In the corporate environment, Professor Daly has worked with American Airlines, Continental Airlines, Dell Computers, Dun and Bradstreet, Frito-Lay, Halliburton Oil Field Services, La Quinta Motor Inns, the Newell Co., the Novell Co., the Prudential Co., Revco, Roche Laboratories, Sierra Geophysics, Southland, UpJohn, and 3M, among many others.

In the governmental arena, Dr. Daly has worked extensively with the LBJ School of Public Affairs on a number of programs for state and national government leaders. He has also worked with the Texas Municipal League, the Texas Employee Retirement System, the Governor’s Executive Education Program for the state of Texas, the Texas Department of Mental Health, the Texas Education Agency, and the Texas Youth Commission. In addition, he has conducted programs in the area of continuing legal education in Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

Dr. Daly is a Professor in the College of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin where he teaches interpersonal communication, nonverbal communication, persuasion, and public speaking. Professor Daly received his PhD from Purdue University and has published four books on communication and more than 80 articles.

A native of Washington, D.C., John delights in travel and accumulates frequent flyer mileage like others collect coins.