Alan Nelson
Alan is a senior advisor to clients, specializing in leadership and strategic communication. In his 32 years with the firm, he has led over 1,000 client engagements ranging from individual coaching relationships to advising on several of the world’s largest mergers, restructurings, and technology deployments.
His clients have included senior leaders and teams at AbbVie, BAE Systems, B of A Merrill Lynch, Bristol Myers Squibb, Capital One, Cargill, Canyon Partners, Charles Schwab, Chubb, Citizens Financial Group, Comcast, Debevoise & Plimpton, Dell Technologies, Elliott Management, Estee Lauder, Fidelity, Grainger, General Mills, Hasbro, The Hartford, IBM, Kimberly-Clark, Independence Blue Cross, J & J, Juniper Networks, Kaiser Permanente, Levi’s, Marriott, the Make-a-Wish Foundation, McDonald’s, Merck KGaA, Morgan Stanley, NASCAR, Novartis, Phillips 66, Prudential, State Street, SumoLogic, TD Cowen, The Vanguard Group, Willis Towers Watson, and ZF Group.
He is one of the few advisors in his space to also work extensively in the public sector, advising leaders at multiple multilateral institutions including the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund, UNICEF, and the World Bank Group.
In addition to his advisory work, Alan is a frequent speaker on leadership and communication. He is the co-founder of The Minnesuing Group, a leading invitation-only senior leader network, and The Strategic Communication Academy at Sundance, the world’s leading developmental program on strategic leadership communication. A contributor to numerous corporate leadership development programs, his weeklong annual executive course on leadership for the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame has been the program’s most-subscribed course for 13 consecutive years.
Alan has degrees in Communication and Political Science from the University of Utah. A native of Salt Lake City, he lives in Tampa with his wife and family. He is an instrument-rated private pilot, and enjoys fly-fishing and wilderness, particularly in his home state, Utah.