The communication perspective posits that everything communicates, opening a realm of possibilities to effect change and foster positive organizational influence. However, this also presents a challenge for communication leaders to discern the specific effects of their work on business outcomes and to validate the function’s distinctive worth convincingly. The most impactful communication measurement portfolios are those that not only track impact but also align with the organization’s strategic goals to demonstrate how communication drives business results. Savvy communicators must evolve from merely tallying activities, views, and clicks to adopting a measurement approach that showcases and enhances the role of internal communication, thereby affirming its value.

The Core Sessions

  • Developing an outcomes-based approach to communication measurement
  • Understanding the principles of effective measurement
  • Designing a sophisticated measurement landscape
  • Exploring methods for measuring team and function effectiveness
  • Using measurement findings to bolster the function’s infrastructure
  • Elevating the performance of the team
  • Identifying and engaging advocates


Kellie Hamrick is a Managing Director in CRA | Admired Leadership’s Strategic Communication Practice.

Lisa Magnuson is a Managing Director in CRA | Admired Leadership’s Strategic Communication Practice.


CRA Partners and Managing Directors with a minimum of 10 years advisory experience in Fortune 50 organizations lead each Seminar, and Seminars will typically include a variety of other CRA staff and clients who lend texture to the discussion. The agenda spans one and one-half days, with the content intentionally limited to six discussions – the goal is to engage a smaller number of more meaningful issues with depth. This seminar will be conducted virtually, so we have adjusted the schedule to accommodate ample time for home, work, and meal breaks.

  • Tuesday, August 26: 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Eastern and 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Eastern
  • Wednesday, August 27: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Eastern
  • After the Seminar: One to one coaching sessions for each participant, on their availability.

Next Steps

For additional information or to enroll, please contact our Event Coordinator at 610-644-5597 or